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Chan Hong Moon

  • Assistant Professor
  • Technical Director

Under Construction

    Education & Training

  • MS in Mechanical Engineering (1995) from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
  • PhD in Electrical Engineering (2000) from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Representative Publications
  1. Moon CH*, Fukuda M*, Wang P, and Kim SG, " Mapping iso-orientation columns by contrast agent-enhanced functional MRI: reproducibility, specificity and evaluation by optical imaging of intrinsic signal ", J Neurocsience, 26(46):11821-11832, 2006. * Equal authorship
  2. Moon CH, Fukuda M, Park SH, and Kim SG, "Neural interpretation of BOLD fMRI maps at sub-millimeter columnar resolution", J Neuroscience, 27(26):6892 6902, 2007.
  3. Park SH, Moon CH, and Bae KT, Compatible Dual Echo Arteriovenography (CODEA) using Echo specific K space Reordering Scheme, MRM, 61(4), 767-774, 2009.
  4. Jung KJ and Moon CH, Effect of Slice Angle on Inhomogeneity Artifact and Its Correction in Slice-Selective MR Imaging, Concept of Magnetic Resonance Part A, 34A(4), 238-248, 2009
  5. Bae KT, Park SH, Moon CH, Kim JH, and Zhao T, Dual Echo Arteriovenography Imaging at 7 Tesla MR, Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 31:255261, 2010.
  6. Park SH, Shim HJ, Moon CH, Kim JH, Bae KT. Quantitative Evaluation of K-space Reordering Schemes for Compatible Dual Echo Arteriovenography (CODEA). MRM, 63(5): 1404-1410, 2010.
  7. Swisher J, Gatenby J, Gore J, Wolfe B, Moon CH, Kim SG, and Tong F, "Multiscale pattern analysis of orientation-selective activity in the primary visual cortex", JNS, 30(1):325330, 2010.
  8. Tanaka S, Moon CH, Fukuda M, and Kim SG, Three-dimensional visual feature representation in the primary visual cortex, Neural Networks, 24(10):1022-1035, 2009.
  9. Kim JH, Moon CH, Park BW, Furlan A, Zhao T, Bae KT, Multichannel transceiver dual-tuned RF coil for proton/sodium MR imaging of knee cartilage at 3 T, Magn Reson Imaging, 30(4):562-71, 2012.
  10. Moon CH, Kim JH, Jacobs L, Zhao T, Sowa G, Vo N, Kang J, Bae KT, Part 1: Dual-tuned Proton/sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Lumbar Spine in a Rabbit Model, Spine, 37(18); E1106E1112, 2012.
  11. Moon CH, Jacobs L, Kim JH, Sowa G, Vo N, Kang J, Bae KT, Part 2: Quantitative Proton T2 and Sodium MR Imaging to Assess Intervertebral Disc Degeneration in a Rabbit Model, Spine, 37(18); E1113E1119; 2012.
  12. Moon CH, Fukuda M, and Kim S-G, Spatiotemporal characteristics and vascular sources of neural-specific and -nonspecific fMRI signals at submillimeter columnar resolution, NeuroImage, 2013, 64:91 - 103.
  13. Moon CH, Kim JH, Zhao T, Bae KT, Quantitative 23Na MRI of human knee cartilage using dual-tuned 1H/23Na transceiver array RF coil at 7 T, 2013, Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 38:1063 1072.
  14. Bae KT, Park SH, Moon CH, Kim JH, Nemoto EM, , Application of compatible dual-echo arteriovenography (CODEA) in stroke: Preliminary observations, 2013, International Journal of Imaging Systems. DOI: 15.1002/ima.22044
  15. Moon CH, Furlan F, Kim JH, Zhao T, Shapiro R, Bae KT, Quantitative Sodium MR Imaging of Native versus Transplanted Kidney Using a Dual-tuned proton/sodium (1H/23Na) Coil - Initial Experience, European Radiology, 2014 Jun;24(6):1320-6. doi: 10.1007/s00330-014-3138-5.
  16. Lee JG, Gumus S, Moon CH, Kwo K, Bae KT, Fully-Automated Segmentation of Cartilage from the MR Images of Knee using a Multi-Atlas and Local Structural Analysis Method, Medical Physics, 41(9):092303. Doi:10.1118/1.4893533.
Research Interests

1. Multi-nuclei dual-tuned MR imaging at high-field scanner; knee osteoarthritis, spine disc degeneration disease, multiple-sclerosis, prostate, kidney transplant, and abdomen etc.
2. Orientation columnar mapping in sub-millimeter spatial resolution using high-field and -resolution fMRI.
3. Development of high-throughput parallel MRI technologies combined with GRAPPA and compressed sensing; this advanced technique is critical for the large-coverage volume imaging and fast dynamic study. The developed technique can be combined with other MR imaging such as spectroscopy, chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST), T1/T2 mapping, etc.
4. Molecular change assessment of the brain tumor using 3D fast CEST MRI at 7T; CEST MRI is sensitive to cellular chemical change such as metabolism, but current CEST MRI is slow and the imaging coverage is limited. By using new developed parallel imaging and reconstruction, the speed and acquisition problems can be solved.
5. Quantitative multi-parametric measurement using 3D MR fingerprinting (MRF) in brain tumor and epilepsy patients; a new MR technology, MRF, makes consistent quantitative mappings feasible with single acquisition. However, current MRF is limited for a few slices and the clinic-research application is not much tried. For more clinical research, 3D acquisition is required, to locate the legions and to map the entire brain within reasonable time frame.